Monday, January 28, 2008


So, Seth has discovered a few little ploys of avoiding bedtime.

Ploy #1: He has started potty training, so, of course, 5 minutes after he goes to bed he has to go "potty" (even though he just tried before going to bed). But, what can I say, I am a sucker and I hate to discourage the potty training, so I usually truck on up there and take him to the potty. And it's a HOAX! As hard as he tries, he doesn't have to go. He tries standing up, but when that doesn't work he tells me, "it's better if I sit down". At this point, I know he is not going, so back to bed he goes.

Ploy #2: "I need to brush my teeth." I tell him that he just brushed his teeth and go back to bed. To which he replies, "but I will get cabities!" That guy! So, back to bed he goes.

Ploy #3: If by some chance I forget to put lotion on his cheeks before bedtime, he will undoubtedly remember 5-10 minutes after he goes to bed. He yells down the stairs, "Put medicine on my cheeks, so they don't turn like raisins!" We are still not quite sure where he got the raisin thing?!? We lotion him up and then back to bed.

These three ploys are usually accompanied by, "I am thirsty." "I forgot my sharks." "I can't find my toucan." (In case you are wondering, yes, he sleeps with a bed FULL of animals.) "I am stuck." (He is usually stuck between the bed and the wall and can't get out.) "Put my covers on." Etc., Etc., Etc.


The Shill Spill said...

That is way cute Britt! (For me, I am sure.) But, for you...I am sure it's a bit frustrating at times. Jake went through many nights of that....and probably quite a few more to go. But, I can't seem to not let him get up and go potty either? (Unless he really did just go.)*Sigh! Oh well! What do you do? I do love that Seth sleeps with a bed FULL of animals though! That's great! We just let Jake have one....and it's usually a different one every night. :)

Kara said...

How is the potty training going? Jacie does the same thing, but you cant not let them try to go. Amazingly enough, sometimes Jacie does go, even if she just went before bed. I don't get it!

Isaac, Kelsie, and Adlee said...

Ahhh...he is one smart kid! Isaac will be so proud! I'm glad that you makes us feel connected!

Faith W said...

Oh boy, they are masters of procrastination aren't they? So cute to read. As my mom used to say, getting kids to go to bed is 'like herding cats' :).

Salt H2O said...

That's funny and smart! He uses things that he knows you like him to do. Just wait in a few months he'll be saying "I forgot to read my scriptures. No! We have to read for 1/2 an hour" and "I need to clean my room."

Jessica said...

that is one smart kid - and i think he might take after his uncle isaac a little... =)

Arianne Lewis said...

CUTE LITTLE DUDE_ HEY DID YOU HEAR Im having another boy??